Intellectual Property and Contracts

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Your ideas and creations are important to you, and they deserve protection. Just like you would protect your home and physical property by locking your door, you can protect your ideas and creations by taking legal measures.

Intellectual property is different from the stuff or land you own. It’s the protection of ideas and artistic creations. That could be a copyright on something you made like a book, photos and video, music, or a video game. It could be your brand’s name in the form of a trademark. Your ideas have value, so you should protect it like they do.

You might also be working with someone else on something. If that’s the case, you need a contract! Not only does it help everyone make sure that everyone gets paid and the right people own the finished work, but it’s essential to make sure that everyone involved understands the specifics of the deal you’re working with.

Not sure where to start? Don’t understand what intellectual property is? That’s okay, it’s normal! Your needs are unique, so let’s schedule a consultation today!

Independent Contractor/Work for Hire Agreement

Any time two people are working together it’s a good idea to get things in writing. Whether you’re working as or working with someone as an independent contractor I can draft a contract that outlines the terms of your deal and makes sure that intellectual property (if any) created as part of the contract is owned by the right people.

Contract Review

Got a contract that you need to sign? I’ll look over the contract and look for potential problems or pitfalls that might arise so you can either sign it or request changes to keep yourself protected. The last thing you want is to sign something that will come back to bite your later. Let’s talk about what you need.

US Federal Trademark Registration

A trademark is protection for your brand. It signals to the world that this is your name or mark and prevents anyone else from using it. It ensures that when customers see your mark, they know that they’re getting you. Federal trademark registration allows you to protect your brand. Let me help you through the process from advice on picking a strong brand, searching for similar or conflicting trademarks, and getting through the registration process.

US Federal Copyright Registration

You’ve worked hard to create something. When you make something creative, you own the copyright. That means you get the exclusive right to use your work. Copyright registration is often the first step to protecting your creation legally. It’s often the required before you can pursue any litigation, but it also puts the world on notice that what you created is yours. It’s like putting a sign identifying that it’s yours. I can help you get your work registered with the copyright office so you can keep your work protected.

Jacob Vela, Attorney at Law

Have a Question? Ready to Protect Your Rights?

Let’s set up a free consultation and chat. I love meeting creative people and their businesses and helping them succeed.

Consultations are done remotely via video call. We’ll talk about your and your business’s needs and decide on what services you’ll need, if any. There’s no fee for this consultation and you’ll be informed before I do any work where fees are assessed.